On behalf of our Pastor, Fr. Matthew Murray, our Parochial Vicar, Fr. Mark Ruiz, and our staff, we would like to welcome you to our parish. We are a diverse Catholic community who welcomes all people to join us on their faith journey. For further information, please contact our Parish Office (925)837-2122 ext. 1915 or 0 in case of an emergency. Our office is open Monday - Friday from 9am to 5pm and is closed on Holidays.
All are welcome to join us for Masses & Parish Events (please see calendar for details.)
Adoration is every Friday beginning after the daily Mass and ending at 6pm in the Sacred Heart Room located inside the Church vestibule. Adoration will be inside the Church from 6 to 7:30pm followed by Benediction except on the First Friday of the month. Confessions will be heard from 6 to 7:30pm except on the First Friday of the month when they will be heard from 6:30 to 7:30pm.
On the First Friday of each month, Mass will be offered at 6:00pm in the Church. Confessions will be heard from 6:30 - 7:30pm. Adoration will continue over night in the Church and conclude with Benediction before the 8:30am Mass on Saturday morning.
Benediction is at 7:30pm and concludes our Friday services except on the First Friday of the month.
Fridays from 6 to 7:30pm ~ except on the 1st Friday of the month when confessions will begin at 6:30pm
Saturdays at 3pm
and at least 30 minutes prior to each Mass
Please contact the Parish Office for current information.
1st Communion and Confirmation:
Children must faithfully complete two consecutive years of Faith Formation to receive the sacraments.
Save the Date! Registration Starts Soon!
Summer Faith Camp
June 23-27 (M-F) 8:45 - noon
Sign up for Flocknote to receive Parish notices and upcoming events.
If you would like to receive the Parish Bulletin and Notices via text or email, sign up for Flocknote. It's easy;
- To sign up via a text, just text SIFN to this number 84576 . The reply text message will prompt you through the sign up process.
- To sign up via a web link click or enter this https://stisidore1.flocknote.com and it will take you the sign up page.
Daily Scripture readings from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops in English and Español
La Santa Misa del Papa Francisco desde Santa Marta - https://www.vaticannews.va/es/papa-francisco/misa-santa-marta.html
Mass celebrated by Pope Francis in Italian (original sound) - https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope-francis/mass-casa-santa-marta.html
There are several Masses provided on the internet. Check the websites regarding whether the Mass is livestreamed or available on demand.
Daily Mass (including Sunday)
Archdiocese of Boston CatholicTV - http://www.catholictv.org/masses/catholictv-mass
Archdiocese of New Orleans - https://thedailymass.com/mass/
EWTN - http://ewtn.com
Relevant Radio (audio only) - http://relevantradio.com/
Sunday Mass
Catholic Extension Society -- https://www.catholicextension.org/stories/sunday-catholic-mass-online