Important Dates!
Our Confirmation program will be using CHOSEN-YOUR JOURNEY by Ascension Press this year. It is designed to offer your teen a powerful, life-changing experience as he or she prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Beginning is September, we will have our Confirmation Kick-Off in the Cardelli Gym. Your child will participate with over 200 other students within our parish in activities and classes to experience and learn about walking in a relationship with Christ. They will journey together during this 2 year program with teens from all of our local high schools. Confirmation Year 1 teens will have their own classes, as well as, the Confirmation 2 teens will have their own individualized classes. Sacraments have to be received at the parish level.
Classes will be held Sunday evenings. We are asking the teens to attend 5:00 pm mass then go over for a simple meal in the St. Isidore Room, and classes will be held in the St. Isidore School classrooms. At 7:30 pm you can pick up your teen from the school. Please note the dates in the calendar that we will all be meeting as a large group in the Cardelli Gym. For those teens who are unable to attend our classes on Sunday evenings, we are offering a class on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm–7:30 pm in the Hospitality Lounge. Please note the Wednesday classes have their own separate calendar.
Please remember that this is a 2 year commitment for your teen. Parents will also be required to volunteer in some capacity for 10 hours a year. Please note the volunteer opportunities on the registration and sign up there. Safe Environment training and fingerprinting is required by the Diocese for all volunteers to work with your teens.
We have a very large program and we just can’t do it with your help. We are here to walk together along this path. We hope and pray to make it successful with your help. We appreciate all your time and talents to fortify our Confirmation program. Thank you for answering your baptismal call to serve.
Your teen is required to go to 1 retreat per year. The dates are on the calendar so please note them on your personal calendar. If you are a Year 1 teen, we will have your retreat November 8-10, 2024 and if you are a year 2 teen your retreat is December 6-8, 2024. If you cannot make one of these dates, your teen has the option of attending a retreat on a different date with another church. Please let us know ASAP if there are conflicts in scheduling.
PLEASE NOTE: We MUST have a copy of your teen’s Baptismal Certificate when you register. If your teen was baptized at St. Isidore we will have a copy already.
THANK YOU for your support and prayers as we lead your teens closer to Christ.
Jean Morrison